2018年11月4日 星期日

CHT 9000 在意外中找到

2018年10月19日 星期五


The goal is not always meant to be reached, but to serve as a mark for our aim. 目標不一定永遠都會達成,但可以作為我們瞄準的方向。 I'm not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy.. 要得不是你有多忙,而是你為何而忙 Talent without working hard is nothing.不努力.天分就一無是處 Superior man makes the difficulty to be overcome his first interest ,success comes only later. 優秀的人把克服困難當作第一優先成功只是之後的附帶品. . If you are not criticized you may not be doing much.. 如果你沒被批評.這表示你可能沒做甚麼事情. The greatest of faults,I should say , is to be conscious of none 我必須說最大的過錯,就是沒有察覺到任何錯誤.